
Saturday, November 13, 2010

kanyaka interview - vijay


the director and the actor share something in common,both r down to earth.they r sharing love and respect to each other.eventhough ter r many stars like asin ,vadivelu and mithra,fans r waiting to c only Vijay.we had to wait a lot for t interview,but wen cosidered with t fans tis is not at all a burden.
this place is a common spot for shooting of malayalam films,stars like Mammootty n Mohanlal used to shoot ter films here,but before vijay's arrival modifications wer made.a huge wall was build and a platform was constucted for Vijay sir to wish his fans.

and much more.....
and that day we wer nt able to get t interview.

Vijay sir called us and appolagised,he promised us abt interw next day.

Q:a lot of fans r waiting outside?

A yes,they haad made me wat i'm nw.i never forget that my remunaration is from t tickets thy bought.

Q:yestrday one fan told us Vijay had posed wit a child in his hand,will any malayalam actor do tis.

A:how will i comment others,each one have thier own way,i'm like tis from t very begining.i used to spend time wit my fans and took photo wit them.i will try to find time for them even if i'm in a bust shedule.most of them came here from far away places and they had taken much pain to c me,wen i spend time wit them ,i coul fell thier happiness and that make me happy.

Q:u had been following same pattern of dance,action and comedy.?

A:at times i too had dreamed of trying different roles,but my fans need to c me in tis type of roles,thier interest is also important for me.

Q:have u ever felt bored abt fans and u r busy schedule.
A:never,i'm dealing all these well

Q:money....glamour..these r changing people...esp. stars.wat is t imp. of these in life.

A:(shaking his head)pls dont ask these sort of hard q to me,i dont knw t answers(jocking)

Q:one of u r fan told u give books to children.?

A:those r under Vidhya charitable trust.
me n my sis wer good friends, and she died at an young age,and that had affected me a lot.still nw that pain is in my heart.
i became inrovert after her death.

Q:tell me abt t movie.

A:t last 0 min of t film is really heart touching.hero is so innocent,good humor,actually Siddique sir is a master in slapstiq comedy.

Q:u had acted under Fazil also.

A:he had given me a hit too.

Q:had u watched malayalam films.

A:yes.i have watched films of Mammootty sir n Mohanlal sir.had seen them in a few functions,they had talked to me.those r moments that i could never forget.

Q:wat's u r advice to new comers to cinema.

A:who am i to give advice.they had to complete their basic education before coming to this field.

Q:any interests other than cinema,. carrier and hobby is cinema.

Q:u have crores of fans and u r fan of hum?

A:Amitab bachan.

"after t interview wen sid called him Vijay was like an obedient child.he is not showing t attitude of having crores of fan......he never goes to his caravan in small intervels....he won't make suggestions in direction....wen he faces camera he shows t interst and innocence of a newcomer......he wont get irritated if asked o repeat t take....

and he is the same before his fans too....he wont get away,if they try to touch him.....he never hesitate to give his beautiful amile to his fans..."

wen we returned a 7 yr old child asked us"chechy,have u seen Vijay...Vijay rajav mathiri"
how??? mohanlal and MAmmootty had been here...Dileep ANd NAyan had been here,but had never seen this rush here,

yes Vijay is a king...a king who own a kingdom of fans...

by Reshmi Regunath.

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